ALGE-TIMING is internationally known company for electronic time measuring for a long period of years. It is based in western part of Austria on the border with Switzerland.
Brief history of ALGE-TIMING:
1946 ALGE is founded as workshop of radio devices by Josef Alge
1970 Alwin Hale starts to work in company as a certificated official
1976 Josef Alge retires, his son Günther Alge and daughter Gerda Vetter-Alge are running company. They were both on key places until 60s.
1995 Josef Alge dies
1997 Günther Alge retires
1998 Gerda Vetter retires
1998 Their sons Albert Vetter and Ing. Wolfgang Alge run ALGE – TIMING as partners
1998 Company name is changed into ALGE – TIMING
1999 Alwin Hale retires
2008 Alge-Timing GmbH & Co KG is renaimed into Alge-Timing GmbH